I’ve been told that I have nice hair. I think that is somewhat true and I do feel a little lucky, but there have also been days I feel cursed. I have very wavy and course hair, and on days when it is humid the waves turn into frizz, which make it grow in volume. Remember the episode of Friends when Monica’s hair kept growing and growing? That is how I feel in the humidity. I’ve tried a sorts of products, however, when the humidity rises or it rains my hair grows like a watered chia pet.
I’ve tried everything from Orange Juice Cans to Pink Sponge Rollers….
My first attempt at getting smooth hair was by using orange juice cans in high school. Rollers at the time were not big enough so I would cut out both sides of an orange juice can and use them as jumbo rollers. I would sit for hours with a blow dry cap on that was attached to a long plastic tube, which connected to the dryer. And, you could only go as far as the cord would let you. The only other alternative was sleeping with them in which gave me awful headaches.
Then the pink sponge rollers came along. Those were a little better to sleep in, however your curls would get kinks if you weren’t careful. Back in the 80’s perms were in and all I can say is what a foolish mistake I made there. I’ve also experimented with both steamrollers and electric rollers. When hand held blow dryers came out, I struggled trying to maneuver holding a brush in one hand and the blow dryer in another. I really had a hard time smoothing my hair. Going to a salon and getting a blow out was a treat but this wasn’t something affordable to do on a regular basis.
Is a Brazilian Blowout for me? My sister has been doing them for years…
For years my sister Carol had tried to talk me into getting a Brazilian Blow out. She had hair wavier than mine and I learned she was getting a Brazilian Blowout done every 3 months. I just wasn’t sure about them, and was nervous, as I had heard there was formaldehyde in the product. That just sounded like it was bad.

After I turned 60, something changed
I was tired of wearing my hair pulled back, my patience with smoothing my hair was thinning, yet my hair wasn’t. I figured if my sister was getting Brazilian Blow outs for 5 years now and is alive and the well with smooth hair, then they couldn’t be all that bad for you. So I decided to give it a shot and I went to see her stylist Beth Debs.
For the record, there is formaldehyde in the product and when they apply it your eyes may sting a bit. The entire process takes a couple of hours. First, you will get your hair washed. Next, they apply the product and use a flat iron as the heat helps the product adhere to your hair. The next step is to blow dry your hair straight then wash it, and blow dry it straight again.
I’m extremely happy that I overcame my doubts and fears. This is the third Brazilian Blowout that I’ve had. Each blowout lasts about 3-4 months. When I wash my hair, it takes less time to dry. If I feel like letting my hair air dry I have a little wave without the frizz. Even the humid Florida weather does not affect my hair. I like how manageable and soft my hair feels. Change is good and can be fun. I like the straight hair, but my husband doesn’t so much as he preferred the waves. For now, I’m keeping my hair straight, and I know he will adapt. In time I’ll want a new look again, and who knows what options will be available, but at least for now I’m not running for cover if it starts to rain.

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