Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
My husband and I like to spend Valentine’s Day doing things together instead of buying gifts. After 38 years of marriage we’ve had many opportunities to come up with different ways to celebrate. We have traded romantic dinners for couples massages, or movies and burgers, or playing a round of golf and then heading to happy hour afterwards. I’m not sure what is in store for this year, but we will be together and that’s what matters.
On Valentine’s Day- I like to focus on gifts for my granddaughters.
I always try to find a few fun little things to surprise them with. Top on the list…..personalizing a gift. I think that anytime you can get something personalized it becomes extra special. I know that this can be time consuming, but it is well worth the extra effort. This year I made storybooks for all four of the girls. Each of my granddaughters received a book I created with several pictures of them from their birth to their current age. I was also able to create a personalized story along with the pictures. I am not too tech savvy and needed to research how to do this, but I did it and here is how.
My Experience with MixBook & creating Photo Memory Books
First, I found a site called MixBook that had some good reviews and decided to give it a try. I did stumble along at first but by the second book I had it down. The hardest part was coordinating the pictures. I went on my phone and downloaded most of the pictures but then went to my daughter-in-law’s and daughters Instagram accounts and found a few more. MixBook has many different theme styles of books to choose from which allows you to fit the individual personality of each child.
You can follow this link to head over to MixBook.com to start your book. They do always have a few different promotions going on. If you use the promo code AFFNEW19 now through 3/31/19 you can receive 40% off of your order. The books took about two weeks to arrive. I was very happy with the quality and the customer service was helpful when needed.
Books are something that my grandchildren will keep forever. Right now, as they are learning to read these books are even more special. I do recommend making a book for them for that really special gift.
More Gift Ideas for Kids
I’ve listed a few other recommendations above for gifts- I do apologize as I’m not very knowledgeable on gifts for boys. I currently have four granddaughters and that is where my focus has been.
- Any type of craft that you can find to keep a child entertained is always fun for them. There are several stores that sell fun kits, like this DIY headband kit you can find on Amazon.
- My daughter in law purchased this kids cooking set and my grandaughter’s love these kid friendly and safe knife set.
- Paint sets, stamp sets, or play dough sets always seem to keep children entertained.
- Subscriptions to Highlights Magazine or Valentine’s Day books these are found on display at most book stores this time of year for all ages. Of course, my granddaughters all like clothes and I’ve bought them all matching pajamas, tee shirts, or play jewelry.
Last but not least, there is always chocolate! Everyone in our family loves chocolate and their eyes light up when the candy comes out.
Most importantly, spend time with them, give them hugs and tell them you love them because above all that is the best gift you can give!
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