The first time I heard this quote I laughed. I clearly remember turning 40 and thinking then that it was the best time of my life. Ha! Twenty years ago, I didn’t know better. 60 is by far better than 40 because I’ve started putting me first, instead of everyone else. Please do not take this the wrong way, as I’m not a selfish person. I’ve just learned through the years that it is finally time to recognize myself! I’m a woman who has hobbies, true lifelong girlfriends, loves to golf, and is obsessed with fashion. Twenty some-odd years ago, if I was asked about myself, I would have said I was a mother, a wife, a daughter and a caregiver.
“I thought more about what I did and my responsibilities, rather than who I really was.”
Throughout my life, I have always taken those titles very seriously. Although in doing so, I put my hobbies, my time with friends, my passions, and self-care on the back burner. Rarely did I consider going out on a weeknight because I knew I needed to be a responsible mother in the morning, making sure my children were prepared for school. I have absolutely no regrets from my past, but I at sixty, I see myself with more confidence and a clearer perception of who I am. My responsibilities have somewhat downsized, and I’m no longer defining myself by what I do, rather than who I am.
At age 62, I am more confident than ever before
60 being the new 40 does not mean that 60-year-old women now look like they are 40. Nor is it about defying age and physical appearance. I like to interpret this by saying women at 60 years old have much more confidence in themselves. We know that we need to slow down and enjoy life before it’s too late. At 60, more than half of our life is over. It’s now time to make the most of it. If we don’t start enjoying ourselves now, it may be too late. With no health guarantees, we should appreciate life every single day.
I’ve learned to say no
Since I’ve turned 60, I’m less tolerant. Maybe that is not always the best thing, but I just do not allow myself to accept something I do not want to. I’ve learned to say no. 60 is the time to invest in improving our quality of life, in self-care and finding joy in everything we do. I understand that we all have diverse situations that may prevent us from fully enjoying ourselves, but there will never be a perfect time. Like it or not, these are our golden years.
I recently reached out to couple of my Instagram friends and asked them for their feelings on…
Why 60 is the new 40:
@60_isthenew40 Leigh DeRoche “We are no longer old ladies from our grandmother’s era that have to dress or behave a certain way…….We are strong, fit, powerful women who want to live life to the fullest, feel fantastic and contribute to society. I do not feel stronger than I was in my forties, but I do feel stronger and fit with the benefit of having lived and learned. With age comes experience, knowledge, and less stress. You learn what’s important and what is not. You have more time to spend on yourself and find out what it is that you really love to do.”
@sixtee_isthenew_fortee Vicki Bouchard “I can’t say that I don’t miss my forty-year-old body, but if I knew that my body would be in the shape it is at sixty with a full head of silver hair I would be very pleased. I love the freedom I have at 60. With the wisdom I have acquired over the years, I’m qualified to give advice. It is true that I have much less life to live than I have already lived, and that is why it’s so important to make every day count.”
Their replies nailed it! I could not agree more with what had to say. At 60 we may not be young and vivacious, but we are wise because of the knowledge we have gained through life’s experiences. Each of us having gone down different paths have a very powerful story to tell. We are emotionally stronger than we have ever been. We feel triumphant about changing the perception of seniors and wanting to show the world that sixty is the prime of our life.
You’ll have to excuse me now, as I’m meeting up with the girls for a little day drinking.

Yes 60 is the new 40 because we are living the best version of ourselves without apologies.
I see so many wonderful 60ish women who are unapologetic about sharing their lives so fully on social media or like us, writing about it.
You are living your life on your terms!
Hello Robin,
This is so true, our community is growing and our voices are being heard. To me age doesn’t really matter as much as how I’m feeling, I’m feeling blessed and that is what motivates me. It’s so wonderful to have connected with other women and share our stories.
All The Best!
Great article! I think the part about saying no is so important. Why do something you don’t enjoy?
Hi Susan,
I’m so glad that you liked it. Thank you for the feedback. I’ve learned from past mistakes it really is not fun when you commit to something you don’t want to. I hope to be back in St. Charles in October, just waiting for my son to set a Christening date for his baby. Maybe then we can grab a quick cup of coffee.
My Best,
You and I have much in common…same age.. love golf and have good friends and like a drink or two!!! And I agree with everything you write, I probably need to say NO a little more often ..
Good Morning Hilda,
I can say that age has taught me to stand my ground more. It’s also helped me to see that we need to spend more time doing what we love. Golf and girlfriends never fail!
Have a wonderful rest of the week,
Yes! I thought I had dumped other people’s expectations at 40, then 45, but the freedom of 50 was amazing! I am so looking forward to 60. They say youth is wasted on the young, but you couldn’t pay me to go back… I don’t think I’m less tolerant, if anything, I more clearly see that everyone is fighting their own battles, and I take things more in stride. I do take less BS from others and am far more clear about what is and isn’t okay. Maybe it’s a combination of less and more tolerant all rolled into one?
Got to love the lesson’s life teaches us don’t we? I’m just grateful that I keep going and appreciate health more than anything.
All The Best!
Gorgeous article and I agree. At 66 I am more comfortable in my skin and more assertive. I focus on my strengths instead of my flaws – Tills @Sixty_is_the_new_40
Hello Tilly,
You look absolutely fabulous! Thank you for visiting my blog I’m glad that we have become acquainted.
This is such wonderful insight Nancy!!
I do think our age is a good thing!!
It beats the alternative right 😉 thank you for reading Jodie as I always value your input.